Amanda Jones

Lead for: • E-learning • People management and staff support • Resource and Policy Development • NDIS related training

About Me

I am passionate about supporting teams and organizations to support and understand one-another in a way that is honest, clear and with meaning. This can be done through conversations, resources, coaching and support.

I have experience in Disability and Aged care, supporting people to understand how person-centered practices can be applied in their role regardless of any perceived limitations or constraints.

What others like and admire about me

  • I am creative
  • I am approachable
  • I am passionate and energetic
  • I am thoughtful
  • I am a knowledge seeker

Whats important to me

  • Working in collaboration with others to share ideas and reflect on learning.
  • Hearing what other are doing – new ideas, new ways of doing things.
  • Being able to try new ways of doing things and stretching where I am at.
  • Having information before making a decision and the opportunity. to learn and continue learning.
  • Facilitating positive change.
  • Writing time – I love developing resources and information for others. This is part of how I enjoy contributing to quality and development and a way to process my latest thinking and ideas.
  • Having a clear understanding of expectations along with where I can be creative and try something different.
  • Time each week to reflect on the work I am doing.
  • Access to nice strong coffee everyday, never instant.
  • Being able to go for a swim, do some stretching or yoga and going for a walk a few times each week.
  • Flexibility to have lunch with my partner once a week.

How best to support me

  • Deadlines are my friend – I can be prone to obsessing so knowing when I need to have something done helps me to know when I have to let it go.
  • I enjoy facilitating positive change, and for me part of this is coming up with different ways to ensure quality and transparency as a way of building capacity. If I push for change and guidelines that are not possible I work best if I can understand why as it helps me to refocus on what I can do.
  • I’m an introverted thinker – I enjoy discussions but often work best if I’ve had a chance to think through things before hand. If I am quiet during discussions it is usually because I am still thinking through things myself and need some time. Happy to share my thoughts on the spot but please understand they not be fully formed yet.
  • I thrive on the opportunity to use my creativity but can do that and still work within parameters, if we work together I like to know where I can use creativity and where I need to stick within certain guidelines.
  • I appreciate clear and honest feedback, it’s helpful to know where I am at and if there are some ways we can work differently together. Being upfront about this really matters to me and is much better then letting things build.