Ben Rosamond

Work with children, young people and families. Person Centred Reviews, Train the Trainer Programme

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
– Anne Frank

About Me

I have over twenty years experience of working in the social care sector with children, young people and adults, I am focused on achieving person centered change and affecting the life experience of people who use services.
Person-centered practice has been part of my personal life and in my career for many years making a difference for me and my family and the lives of the many people I have been lucky enough to work with.

What others like and admire about me

  • I am creative
  • I am empathetic
  • I am silly
  • I am caring
  • I am understanding
  • I am a lover of life

Whats important to me

  • My daughter Eleanor and my wife Sam are the most important people in my life, it is important to me to share as much time as I can with them
  • Spending time with my family, we love family get-together’s. We are very close, I have two sisters and a brother.
  • The people in my team, Emily, Helen and Michelle, they provide me with love and support, they challenge me to be the best I can be.
  • Being active, football and cycling are all current favourites of mine.
  • Being able to play football at least once a week is particularly important to me

How best to support me

  • Give me a task in advance and know that I need time to think it through. I understand instructions better when they’re provided in writing.
  • When I have a lot on my plate I can feel overwhelmed and show this by withdrawing from people and commitments. It helps me to talk about managing my workload. Check in with me and if you can, offer me five minutes to think things through it really helps.
  • If you are not happy with something please speak to me about it and don’t let it fester, I hate to let people down.
  • Know that I find being assertive difficult, I think I will get it wrong and upset people, if you notice I am disengaged or I don’t seem present during a conversation ask me if everything is ok.
  • I can often tell myself untruths about how others are feeling, please be transparent with me, even if the message is difficult to deliver so we can move to a place of understanding.
  • I find it difficult to say no if I think I can help, let me know if you think I am struggling and taking on too much