Decision making agreement

Making decisions is part of being in control of your own life. The decision-making agreement looks at specific situations that are important to a person, and sets out the decision-making process relating to each one.

Here are some important questions to ask yourself:
  • Do I fully understand what is important to the person and their communication?
  • Am I the best person to support this decision-making?
  • Is the information that I have and am giving the person relevant to the decision?
  • Am I presenting it in a way that the person can understand?
  • I am giving the information in the right place and time?
  • Have I given the person the best chance to make the decision themselves?

What it does

It breaks down information into three easy sections: ‘important decisions in my life’, ‘how I must be involved’ and ‘who make the final decision’. This then helps us to reflect on how decisions are made and who is making them.

How it helps

It helps us to think about how much choice and control a person has in their life and, if the balance is wrong, to make positive changes.

Use it now

You can download a PDF of the Decision Making Agreement tool here to see how it looks, or start using one today with this free template.

Learn More

You can learn more about the person-centered thinking tools through our online learning and programs.