Person-Centered Teams will focus on five elements of person-centered teams: Purpose, People, Performance, Process and Progress to address questions that are central to becoming a person-centered team and doing your best work.
Person-Centered Teams will explore how teams can work together differently, and productively, so that the values of personalization and person-centered work can be seen and felt in all aspects of how an organization works.
This program can be run for team leaders to help them facilitate their own team processes. Alternately, this program can be offered to entire working teams to create their team plan during the program.
How Person-Centered Teams will help people thrive:
- People have a shared sense of purpose, know what success means in relation to their purpose, know why they are there, and why their work matters
- Team members know what is important to their members, and how to support members individually and collectively
- Roles and tasks are allocated based on members’ strengths and interests
- There is regular reflection on what a team is doing and learning so they can continuously develop and improve
- There is a ‘living record’ maintained of who the team is, their purpose, how people work together, what they are working towards, and how they are doing this
Person-Centered Teams
During this program participants will:
- Develop a team purpose statement
- Create individual one page profiles and a team profile
- Develop team ground rules
- Discuss what is important to the team now and in the future
- Clarify core responsibilities and what it looks like when those are performed really well
- Explore what is working and not working for the team
- Develop an action plan to address the team priorities and timeline and method for follow up & review
How HSA can deliver Person-Centered Teams
In-person: Two days 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Remote: Five 3-hour sessions via zoom
Optional follow up: Person Centered Team Review – (1/2 day & 1 day options)
A follow up gathering can be scheduled after 6-12 months to conduct a Person Centered Team Review to evaluate progress and update the team plan.
Here is how you can participate in Person-Centered Teams
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