Practical Programs that help Teams and Leaders Thrive

Programs for who I am


Bringing together current learning on self-compassion and compassionate communication, you will be equipped with 15 Compassion@Work Practices. These practices will change how you care for yourself, and bring compassion to your work-life. Learn more

Discovering the Leader Within You

A personalized approach to leadership development. Discover your leadership strengths and areas for development through a series of personal assessments coupled with coaching and a facilitated personal development plan. Learn more

Programs for what I do

Coaching for Mastery of Person Centered Practices

This course provides a practical overview of a collection of coaching strategies that serve as a job aid for anyone charged with helping others to increase their competence and confidence in putting person centered thinking tools into practice. Learn more

Building Trust and Autonomy in Teams

Building Trust and Autonomy in Teams will equip teams and leaders to take bold steps toward establishing trust, collaboration, communication and productivity in the workplace. Learn more

Positive and Productive Meetings

Positive and Productive Meetings training is for anyone who facilitates or chairs meetings, including supervisors, and entire teams that want to transform the quality and culture of their meetings. Positive and Productive Meetings is an innovative, practical meeting process that ensures that people can listen carefully, think clearly and therefore make effective decisions together. Learn more

Compassionate Communication

Build a vocabulary of feelings and needs and learn four foundational compassion practices. Learn more

Programs for who we are

Person-Centered Organizations

Being a person-centered organization isn’t just about knowing a technique or approach. It’s a way of being, a philosophy. And this training will help you to transform your organizational culture so people are truly at the heart. Learn more

Person-Centered Teams

This work will focus on five elements of person centered teams: Purpose, People, Performance, Process and Progress to address questions that are central to becoming a person centered team and doing your best work. Learn more

Programs for what we do

Progress for Providers

Participate in a facilitated process to check your organization’s progress in using person-centered approaches and create an action plan for continuous quality improvement. Learn more

Working Together for Change

The Working Together for Change Process is an approach to listening to what people are saying, through their person centered information, about their lives and the services they receive, and to think about the changes necessary to enable people to get more of what’s working in their lives, and to change what’s not working. Learn more

Team 15: Person-Centered Approaches

Team 15 is a flexible, innovative, and affordable resource to coach your teams to put person-centered thinking into practice. A library of structured exercises to be facilitated by team leaders. Learn more


How can you bring more compassion, connection, well being and resilience to the workplace and be more compassionate with yourself? This practical program will show you how. Learn more