Person-Centered Reviews help people think about what needs to change and is a way of working with them to build more meaningful days that contribute to their happiness and wellbeing.

Person-Centered Reviews are not a typical care and support review. In fact, we see them as a celebration!

Have you ever thought that reviews could be better? For example, what if a review was an experience that people really wanted to engage with? What if it focused on people’s skills, aspirations wishes instead of starting with their condition? What if the person having the review was leading how it develops, instead of simply being talked about by others?

With Person-Centered Reviews you can do all this, while putting the person firmly at the heart of the experience. In doing so, you’re putting the principle of self-determination into practice, leading to truly personalized outcomes that are in-line with government/funder requirements.

How Person-Centered Reviews will help people thrive:

  • Help you to put people in control of the review process and its outcomes
  • Put people at the heart of decisions about them
  • Actively create positive opportunities for everyone to contribute
  • Encourage creative thinking and solutions
  • Support you to see past a person’s condition, to see them as a person with preferences, desires and aspirations
  • Lead to the creation of a shared vision and plan of action

Person-Centered Reviews Training

During this program participants will:

  • Learn about person-centered approaches in planning
  • Explore ways to gather meaningful information through a series of conversations
  • Receive an overview of how to create a first one-page profile as the beginning of a person centered plan
  • Learn how to develop and write meaningful person-centered plan

How HSA can deliver Person-Centered Reviews

This can be delivered in a variety of ways and time frames built to suit the individual or organization.

Here is how you can bring Person-Centered Reviews to your organization:

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