Key points

  • The what is working/not working from different perspectives tool is a problem solving process that results in a clear picture of what is working (needs to stay the same) and not working (needs to change)
  • It looks at a situation from different perspectives – identifying shared views and potential disagreement
  • Keeps the person’s perspective central, but also a way that makes sure that everyone’s voice is heard
  • Discovers and celebrates what is working
  • Enables everyone to see and feel that they have been heard
  • Sets actions to create change where necessary by building upon what is working and changing  what is not working

Things to consider

Think about your own life – is there a situation at home or at work that this tool could help with?

For more information

Please consult and/or download this Working/Not Working tool summary card:

<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:870px" aria-label="<strong>PCT_working_not_workingPCT_working_not_workingDownload