Key points

That’s the end of this module on the matching support tool. Here are the key points:

  • Different people need different support, not only in terms of what is necessary to keep the safe and healthy, but in terms of what is important to them and what works with their personality.
  • Being supported by someone with the right skills and characteristics can greatly improve the quality of a person’s life.
  • The matching support tool is a simple way matching those who need services with those who provide them.
  • You can use the matching support tool to help you to identify potential people for a person to live with.

Think about…

  • Do you have this type of information about the people that you directly support?
  • If you have this information, is it being used?
  • Can the existing matches be improved?
  • Do you know of a particularly bad match?
  • What could you do to change this situation?

For more information

Please consult and/or download this Matching Support tool summary card