Key points

That’s the end of this module on the donut (roles and responsibilities) tool. Here are the key points:

  • The donut helps staff see what they must do, when they can try things and when they can’t. This can support positive risk taking.
  • It makes it more likely that the things that are most important will happen.
  • It helps people be more creative in how they provide support, and those ideas are shared and agreed.
  • Helps those employed understand that they are not responsible for everything and that the person being supported has rights and responsibilities in their own life. 

Think About…

Can you think of a situation that you are facing now where the donut tool would help a person you support or your team to clarify their roles and responsibilities?

Maybe there is a situation at home with a child, partner or parent where it would be useful to establish who is responsible for what.

For more information

Please consult and/or download this donut tool summary card: